This photography was taken by Natalia Carmona, Graphic Designer of Wide Beach University. She also is a member of the female rookie “Tuna” of the same university.
The photography shows the Ladies “Tuna” from the University of Chile, which is a musical group that belongs to the Faculty of Arts. Here, the “Sitas” pose in front of “La Moneda” (The Coin) in a photo shoot for a meeting of “Tunas” and “Estudiantinas” in Colombia.
The photo was taken on 8 and 9 April.
I like this photo, is the typical "disorderly", but shows a lot of happy girls, very talented, they love a lot and they accompany on many adventures. They are an inspiration to me because they show me that even though sometimes things do not go as you want, you can always rise above them, especially when you realize you are not alone. Always you will find people willing to accompany you on the journey that is your own life.
A Tuna is a sisterhood/ brotherhood of college students who carry a combination of old clothes and perform songs from European and Latin American folklore. Its origin appears to be medieval. Already at that time, college students with limited economic resources used his musical skills to cover their studies, the journey from college to their homes when they began the holidays. So cheerful and playful, at night a group went out to serenade, until weary way to the shelters for some food.
The Ladies’ Tuna has filled Santiago City with Serenades and Parades, which always in the tone and sensitivity of Women making honor to the old “Estudiantinas” girl emerged in Chile in the late nineteenth century.
In a manly endeavor as his story, these girls have entered the “tunantesco” environment opening his own space to show a useful combination of femininity, romance, mischief and love for life and travel.