This website belongs to Infancy Protection System called Chile Grows With You, created in 2006 and directed to all chilean childrens of 0 to 12 years old. This program has as mission to accompany, to protect and to rest integrally to the children and his families, across many actions and services of universal character, this way offering special support those that have high vulnerability. This site has different sections, that count with information for parents, specialists, and other people, since Chile Grows With You is a joint work between the goberment and the community, in favor of the well-being of childhood.
I visit this page from time to time, to see that new measured of support have been implemented. I knew the program in 2007 - 2008, when i was studyng Obstetrics and Puericulture. I use it in his beginnings in my practices as midwife. The implementation began when the pregnancy was diagnosed in my patients. Both Chile Grows With You and his webpage are very didactic, accesible, showy and playful, because are not difficult to deal. Actually, as educator will can to continue working whit this, principally with preschool children, so that will be very useful for my.
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