viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

How Green Am I?

Very good question!

I guess the people learn about environmentally friendly practice initially in the elementary school. But this knowledge is very superficial, the kids aren´t achieve to dimensioning the real importance of the nature care.
Personally, I tried to incorporate recycling habits, like re utilize containers, tins, box, etc. I live in a small apartment and there are not recycling units in my neighborhood, so is very difficult do something about it. I plant seedlings like albahaca, laurel, ruda, and others, to create my own mini orchard and to clean a little bit the air; I don´t have a car or a bike, so I use my legs and public transport to scroll to the city.

I don`t belong to any eco-organization, but when I have time, I upload information to our blog of animals protection, created in 2011 for the asignature of communication and media with my friends Samantha, Karen and Dámaris.

I would like to know more about environment protection and to implement improvements in my home and my neighborhoods, plant more trees and orchards, protect stray animals, promote exchanges of natural and organic products and objects, use recycling containers, and everything that serves to provide the care of our environment. I don`t know how reduce my carbon footprint, but I search information about this option.

In our society, especially in Santiago, the people must be more emphatic  more conscious and less selfish. This is the only way of react to the severe damage that we are causing to our planet.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

A Job I Would Like To Have

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012


I love reading since I was a little girl. I always devoured every book I could get my hands, even if those books were for adults. In the Lyceum the teachers made me read a lot, but to my surprise, i was not bored. I enjoyed myself and i always searched more books!

I  ran away from my class and i hid in the library. Here, I met a kind of literature called Fantasy Literature. It was recommended by a guy I liked at the time. The most important books that i readed in that time were the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I love that kind of books, because they break with monotonous reality and shows me scarcely imaginable worlds. Also, i like the History books, mainly medievals and renaissance.

I like the books of myths, leyends and traditions greeks, chineses, japaneses, indians, arabics and chileans. But i like also the victorian tales and the magic realism of Gabriel García Márquez.

Believe or not, I dislike the Sci Fiction literature, because it leaves me many questions, like the subjugation of the science, the fear at the future and the aliens, who cause me panic.

As i have said, really i dont have free time, so i'm reading frequently the texts of the university. However, the last book I read was As the Water on the Sand (a. k. a. Nectar in a Sieve, 1955) of Kamala Markandaya.

I really enjoyed this book, i surprised, i laughed and i cried too. It took me two days to read it complete.

This book is about a girl who is forced to marry with a poor man. But they fall in love, have children and fight until the limit of their forces for keep save their family and their lands.

I would recommend this wonderful book to any person who believes in true love yet. This words sounds very corny but today they are a treasure that few people have,  especially when we faced to the adversity.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

By Gwynne Hogan
Santiago Times, Thursday 27 September 2012 21:46

 Police report 100 arrests after violent clashes with protesters.

The article is about chilean student protest. The narraton says that thousands of university and high school students marched on Thursday from Central Station of Santiago City, along La Alameda, to express their discomfort with the government.

The protest was organized by the Coordinating Assembly for Secondary Students (ACES), the National Coordination of Secondary Students (CONES) and supported by the umbrella organization the Confederation of Chilean Students (Confech). It was a prelude to the congressional debate over the 2013 budget, which pretends spend a twenty percent of the budget in the education item, but students insists it isn´t enough. It was repeated in cities like Concepción and Valparaíso.

During the protest, ACES tries to convince to boycotting municipal elections at the end of October as response to government inaction. The students know that elections won't change anything, so they are calling to vote null or not vote and they invited to participate in the social movements. “If we want something we have to fight for it." They think that they don´t have more options to express their ideas.

The peaceful protest for education became to a burst of violence, arrested students for launch glass bottles, molotov cocktails, and tear gas and water cannons from the police barricade. The witnesses say that there were too many police this day, which arrested protesters without motives and respect for human rights.